Monday, January 07, 2013

Open That Fist

One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. 
Proverbs 11:24 (NIV)

That was the opposite of my mentality. I guess you could say the way you look at money depends on your culture. As a Hispanic we tend to look at money in two ways, one we spend it all or second, we save it all for a rainy day.  Those two mentalities are pitfalls to falling into not trusting in God

I chose the route of save for a rainy day. I was so tightfisted. You couldn't get me to loosen that dollar for anything. I would give generously to the things of the Lord, but to use anything else... it was near impossible. My thoughts were if I spend it on something now I won't have enough for something I really want. That something that I really wanted never truly came. God is so good, He tried to teach me through others when they would give me what I wanted, that He will provide. I stubbornly persisted in my foolishness. 

After many jokes from my family on how I wouldn't give up Washington, and the Lords inner work in my heart did I learn. It happened one day as we were shopping. I was perusing the shelves, raking my brain thinking of what to get my gift exchange partner, when the heavens parted and the angels flew in. No, It did not go like that:) I passed by the head/ear warmers and saw how ca-ute they were. There were many different colors and styles and after looking at the tag, I resolutely purposed in my heart to buy it. Yes! I'm not beholden to Mr. Washington any more. That is when I was truly ministered. Money is a gift from the Lord that He will intrust us to use for His glory. 

To make sure I don't go back to my tight fisted, Washington hoarding ways, I have set a goal to buy 1 thing for someone each month.

I encourage you that if you struggle with something, seek to allow the Lord to minister you. Choose to do the oppisite thing that holds you back, for that's when you can truly be free!

Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. Proverbs 11:24 (NLT)

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  1. God is good my child!!! He truly does more than what we ask, thing or imagine. I trust that as you have given this area of your life to Him and continue to surrender all that you will truly see How good and faithful He is...

  2. Great post! :) We should always be willing!

    btw: do you have skype? I recently just got it and would love to instamessage you on it. I'm not allowed to video chat but the instamessaging would be fun!


"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)