Thursday, December 22, 2011

What's Buggin' Me

What bugs you? What things get under your skin? For me it is... Water bugs. They are so fat, ugly, creepy ,and crawly. Killing a water bug sends me to tears. 

It was a regular day. I finished eating my oatmeal and went to use the bathroom. I was there when I felt something brush the bottom of my foot. I did not think anything of it because I was wearing a long skirt. I looked down and to my surprise and disgust found a water bug on me! I immediately shook it off of me. I did not have a sandal to kill it. I ran out the bathroom telling my mom about the hideous bug. He was so big and dark brown and gross! My mom took one look at him and said that I had to kill it. The last time I had to kill a water bug, I will confess that, I broke out in tears. My little sister said don't cry just kill it. I put some shoes on then grabbed another shoe to meet my match.

The thing I hate about water bugs is that after you hit them their antennae and bodies still move. Right when I smacked the shoe down our bathroom rug fell on top of it. I now had to get the bug from underneath it. I was just picturing that bug going crazy and crawling up my hand. I was completely terrified. Then, as you guessed it the tears started to flow down. I tried calming down, I went to dry my eyes and wipe my nose. I walked back to the bathroom repeating "Perfect love cast out all fear." After that my tears still cruised down my cheek, but I was determined to get it over with.

I finally got the rug that hid the bug on the dust pan and I rushed to throw it in the kitchen garbage can. Ohh I forgot I also put on dish gloves too, just in case. I was so relieved that my battle was over. Afterwords, I was covered in goosebumps. I have no idea why I react so emotionally, but I should not let my fear get control over me. Every time I see a water bug, I get a painful punch of fear in my stomach. It is easier said then done to quote Bible verses. To live a life of fear shows a lack of trust in our savior. I know I will never like and enjoy a water bugs company, but I should not be filled with fear when I see them. 

After my killing victory I went to lay down (I am not exaggerating I really get riled up when it comes to them.) I opened my Bible to Isaiah 41:10 it reads:

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I can not say I am 100% free of fear but I fell closer to that number than before!

1 comment:

  1. I totally share in your disgust of water bugs..of all things creepy and crawly actually.

    Isn't God good that even in a situation like this He uses it for His glory? I rejoice in knowing that you called out to God in that very moment..may that always be your first reaction in ANY given situation.


"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)