Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Book Review- Abducted

My Review:

Abducted is the second book to the Pacific Coast Justice Series. After reading the first to this series, Accused, I was long awaiting this next book. Janice not only continued on with the characters that we grew found of, she added continual suspense and action to keep one reading. I was very satisfied with this book.

The plot was so riveting and fast it was a blast to read. If you like a fast paced book, Abducted is for you. I enjoyed the Christian aspects to the story. We are able to grow in our "relationship" with Carly, as she grows in her walk with the Lord. The series finds her a coldhearted, hurting, against everything having to do with Christianity type of woman. It was actually nice to see how she changes dramatically in this book.

The writing was engaging, but sometimes all the legal and police officer talk was quite difficult to understand. I found myself skipping over the words I do not know, then figuring out the meaning a couple of pages later. Do not get me wrong the terminology was actually enjoyable, and different, but sometimes it was too confusing.

Since the story was called Abducted I was more focused on the actual return of the baby, so when that was over, I somewhat lost interest in the book. This book is not like Accused in the fact that, Accused kept me in suspense and was action filled to the very end. Overall this was a great read, and I am looking forward to reading the conclusion to this series. I give Abducted a 4 out of 5.

I received this book for free, from Tyndale, in exchange for this honest review.

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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)