Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Are You Hair or Thair ?

Many of you may not get the title but if you have a nice southern accent you should get it. For some time I noticed that my ends were a bit scraggily so I asked my mom if she could trim my ends. I remember during the process I was seeing a lot of hair drop. My mother kept on assuring me everything was fine. Lo and behold at the end my hair did not get trimmed it was ruthlessly cut off (Just kidding about the last part :) If you can see in the following picture my original hair length was the uncut piece to the right. My hair is now up to a regular short sleeved shirt. Before I cut my hair, I wanted to let my hair grow very long. I decided to make my hair grow "faster" with some natural remedies. First, I plan to do nothing out of the ordinary to my hair for 1 entire month then afterwards measure it to see how much it grew, from the mere 20 in. I have to begin with. The following month I will try the natural remedies and see how much my hair has grown since. I pray it is a significant amount! Hopefully some time this month I will remeasure my hair. 

 My thick, beautiful, wavy locks being cut off.

 Since my hair is so thick it is long process.

The Pictures were so graciously taken by my 6 year old sister, Sara.

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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)