Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guest Book Review- Unglued Devotional

Guest review by Karen

Lysa Terkeurst’s Unglued Devotional attempts to help women “live in the grace of making imperfect progress, be a more positive role model, and know with confidence how to resolve conflict.”

This is a 60 day journey with a daily reading of a Bible verse, Thought for the Day, devotional, and ending prayer.  The readings are short and written in a conversational tone often infused with humor that made for an enjoyable read.

The author draws from her life experiences to highlight issues that arise that can lead someone to become unglued.  But it is more than that.  The author does not just merely rant about situations that arise, but rather shows the reader the grace of God found in such situations.  The goal is evident in each devotional--addressing the situation, an introspective analysis, conflict resolution, lasting change. 

This devotional does not seek to appease the reader’s unglued reactions but rather seeks to draw attention to the causes-one’s own heart issues- and the solution-Jesus.

Each day’s reading is short and to the point.  The author’s conciseness and templates for achieving conflict resolution provides the reader with applicable reference material.  

I would recommend this devotional to anyone who is committed to make life changes so as not to become unglued.    

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Giveaway--THE BIBLE from History Channel

"From Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett comes The Bible — an epic 10-part miniseries retelling stories from the Scriptures for a whole new generation. Breathtaking in scope and scale, The Bible features powerful performances, exotic locales and dazzling visual effects that breathe spectacular life into the dramatic tales of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation. This historic television event is sure to entertain and inspire the whole family! Where will YOU be 3.3.13?"

The History Channel has graciously offered to supply the material for a giveaway.  The winner will receive a copy of one of the official The Bible companion books for your prize! (The History Channel will randomly choose from the book titles below and ship prize directly to the winner.)

A Story of God and All of Us (HARDCOVER)
A Story of God and All of Us (REFLECTIONS)
A Story of God and All of Us (YOUNG READERS)

The prize will be sent via FedEx or UPS. No P.O. Boxes please.
Giveaway ends 3-18-2013!  Winner will be chosen by and will be contacted via email (so make sure to leave one:).  Winner will have 24 hours to contact me with mailing address or forfeits prize and another winner will be chosen.   

• Take the quiz on the countdown and share your results from the Bible-Scene Quiz in the comments! (Doesn't matter if its a low score. We're a judgement free zone.) 
• As an extra +1  entry Share the most anticipated Bible moments you are excited to see come to life in the comments!

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Book Review- Shattered

Shattered is book 2 of the Alaskan Courage series. I did not read book one, but still enjoyed this one immensely. The plot of the story immediately drew me in. An innocent brother with heavy evidence against him and a sisters trust and willing heart to do anything to clear his name. 

I had a love/"hate" relationship with Piper. I commend her for her loving trust in her brother. If placed in her shoes I don't think I could have ever been so faithful. Her love was evident in her acts of self denial. The fact that she was so willing to do anything to help her brother clouded her judgement most of the time. She thrust herself into hazardous situations because of her lack of discernment. 

The fast pace of the book made for a definite page turner. I got excited as each new lead was presented hoping against hope the villains would be caught. The drama heightened as personal attacks occurred. I was rather disappointed that the murder had to do with something so unrelatable, at least to me. Though it created an air of total mystery, I personally felt it was a weird add on.

I look forward to reading the next installment to this series. The other characters prove that they have interesting secrets buried that I can't wait to uncover. I recommend Shattered to those who enjoy suspense dramas filled with unexpected twists and turns, a reckless heroine, and a sweet romance. I give Shattered a 4 out of 5.

I received Shattered free from Litfuse in exchange for this independent and unbiased review. 

Dani Pettrey is celebrating the release of Shattered with a Nook HD giveaway and a Facebook Author Chat Party {3/14}. 

Shattered Pettrey

One winner will receive:
  • A brand new Nook HD
  • Submerged and Shattered by Dani Pettrey {Be caught up in this riveting series.}
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 13th. Winner will be announced at the "Shattered" Author Chat Party on 3/14. Connect with Dani for an evening of book chat, trivia, and a chance to win gift certificates, books, and other fun prizes!

So grab your copy of Shattered and join Dani on the evening of the March 14th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 14th!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Count Your Blessings: IG Style

Library Run With @kianna_rose/ Welcome To The Bronx Sign/ My Friend For [That] Day/
Liberty's Kids/ I ♥ Packages/ Drawing Faces/

Blog Pic./ Breakfast/ 18 Emails/
Target Run Getting Goodies/ Peach Rings and No Shoes in Car/ Yummy Food/ 

• Mom tried a new recipe. I told her Olive Garden would want the recipe:) She blogged it here.
• On Monday we did a major purging of our house. We finally gave our donations to the Salvation Army. We celebrated our tax anniversary (President's Day is when we do ours) Went did some shopping and returning.
• On Tuesday we went to my aunts house. We had loads of fun, laughing, sharing, eating, and sniffing Scentsy that is:)
• Had an achy throat on Wednesday. I could barely talk for half of the day:( Made the seasoning for the meat all by myself. I have converted my Father into a book lover! I enjoy recommending new titles and  talking about the characters and plots of the stories with him.
• Such a classic moment on Thursday. Since I was in between sniffles that day and had to sing with Pastor for the worship, I decided to tuck a tissue in my watch just in case. Since I wear my watch on my left and hold the mic with my left as well you could see my tissue sticking out:) I am thankful I didn't have to use up there!
• Enjoyed a girls night in today. First a rendezvous with Kianna:) Followed by a time of just relaxing, talking, reading. Next we ate a scrumptious salad that we made together. So time later we proceeded to have our home pedicures. 
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I decided to do a random post on random or unknown facts about me.

I am a secret perfectionist. I say secret because looking at me you wouldn't think that, since perfectionists are usually super neat (which I'm not.) I can NOT color the dog purple because that is so not real. If I start a art project I have to finish it or at least leave it in a stage that still looks pretty. 

I'm totally artsy fartsy. Just an expression I heard of. I usually pick homeschool hours to get inspired, no that came out wrong. Inspiration strikes when during homeschool:)

I have a very sensitive nose, especially toward cigarette smoke.

My hair is longer than it actually looks.

I'm a lefty and no my handwriting isn't messy- or not as messy as people tend to believe lefty's have.

People are usually telling me "to eat a burger"ok only one person tells me that, but they do tell me to eat, and I do... a lot.

If stranded on an island with one food item I'd most definitely pick potatoes. Hash brown for breakfast, wedges for lunch, and mashed potatoes for dinner:)

I learned to ride a bike at 9ish or 10.

I think all my teeth are consisted of sweet ones.

I'm not so hot in math, but want to be a nurse:)

I cry very easy. I can see someone cry and start to tear up for no reason.

I love hearing people laugh. It makes me laugh.

why not a random pic too?!
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Monday, February 18, 2013

How To Get Free Books

You've heard the saying nothing in life is free. With our economy as it is, it could be said its a true one. While there is some truth in it, I also found an exception. 

Books. Free books! Wouldn't you love to get the newest christian fiction titles for free? Well continue reading and you'll be well on your way to some free books*. 

What's with the star, you're probably asking yourself? Continue reading and you'll see why. 

Each company gives their own "How To" but here is one to convince how free is really free:)

The Rules: There are many different companies that provide you with the free books, but before we get to those here are the basic rules. (Each company differs but basically require the same.) 

First of all you must have an active blog established. Active as in you post somewhat regularly. Your blog does not have to be dedicated just for books, it can be your average daily diary one too. Blog? check. (Some companies require a certain amount of blog posts before you can join.) 

Once you sign up to the programs and they accept you are one step closer to those books. Keeping in mind that the rules differ slightly, not all the companies function the same. You are allowed to pick any book you want. You do not have to choose a book you do not want to read.

While you may be so book happy at the prospect of the free books, here comes that *. The one condition to the free books is that you give your honest review of the book you received. If you did not like it you can say so in your review without fear of being kicked out. 

Once you write your review, you must post it on your blog, on a consumer website (CBD, Amazon, etc.) and onto the programs website. 

How easy is that! I hope you don't let this awesome opportunity pass. I've enjoyed these programs immensely!

Next we can move on to the companies. These are a few that I enjoy:


Hope you enjoy your FREE BOOKS!

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Count Your Blessings: IG Style

I took a week and half 'vacation' from instagram, these are my count your blessings since I got back on.

Fishtail Ponytails/ Bday Ecard For Bff Pilar/ Four Pages of Restart Notes/ 
Restart With J*/ Chasing Jupiter and History Novels For Sis/ Proverbs Art/ 
Manual Mode/ Breakfast cookies and Español/ Water 

Noah's Ark Craft/ WW1 Project/ Snowing!/ 
#Scorethrifty/ Lindor Truffles/ Mother's Coffee Mug

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Today is: Monday February 11, 2013

Outside my window: Darkness has settled
I am thinking: The things I still have to do on the computer
I am thankful for: The sound of Melting snow drip drop
I am hoping: To come up with a good plot for a story
I am hearing: Laughter in my parents room
I am wearing: Tank top with a sweater on top and purple pj pants
I am reading: Joy Takes Flight
I am creating: My Shutterfly album
Around the house: Its relatively clean as we have finished our chores
One of my favorite things: Gooey chocolate chip cookies
For education this week: Money managing 
A keeper of home skill I am using/ Learning: Freezer cooking
A Godly character trait I am working on: Perseverance
Scripture I am meditating/memorizing: Psalm 91:6
Praying for: A special friend
For the rest of the week: I hope to finish lots of homeschooling
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Monday, February 04, 2013

Book Review- All For a Song

Dorothy has her family, faith in God, loving fiance, and her music. She thought that was enough. Little did she know she would embark on a journey of a lifetime, leaving the nest and flying out a bit before marriage ties her down again. All For a Song is not your typical novel.

Dorothy was a great character! She was different from your average perfect main character. The author  crafted  her with such a sincerity and honesty that her struggles were felt deep. Dorothy having been sheltered all her life chooses to leave all that she knows behind and experience "life." I somewhat understood her reasons for wanting to see the world over the next hill, but I could not throughoughly bond with her reasons. I also thought she was a bit naive. "Where was her discernment" was the common thought with the choices she made. Her flaws made her easier to relate to, but made for a somewhat sorrowful read.

Most of the characters professed to be Christians, but to me the were truly laking in their morals, especially Aimee Semple McPhearson.

This was such an emotional tale. You witnessed how the main character experienced freedom in the Lord, how the effects of the world influence her either for good or bad, and the redeeming love found in Jesus Christ. I definitely enjoyed reading this book, and would recommend it to those who enjoy emotionally bound books and a good read.

I was provided this book, for free from Tyndale Publishers, in exchange for this independent and unbiased review.  

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