In the beginning of our journey we find Cora a poor farmers daughter. She soon discovers that she is the daughter of Copper King Walter. Hoping to reclaim his daughter, Walter sends Cora on a grand tour of Europe with her new siblings. Throughout the journey she learns how to act like a wealthy lady, fall in love, and trust in God. Cora faces rejection, headaches, scandal, and love.
Glittering Promises is the culminating book to this grand series. In order to appreciate Lisa's extraordinary research and master story telling, you have to read the previous two installments. Lisa did an wonderful job describing the culture and exciting places of Italy. Her characters remained well developed throughout the series, their various experiences did help mature them though. The only flaw that really bothered me was Cora's unwillingness to completely give her french suitor the boot, her constant heart battle was quite annoying. Though understandable to some extent, Will and Cora fought so much and then made up and back to fighting, it proved to be rather distracting.
Overall I enjoyed my 1900's summer vacation to England, Austria, France, and Italy with dashing heroes, wonderful balls, and experiencing the interesting sights and people. Though the journey is over, I am satisfied with the way things turned out and how neatly Lisa cut off every loose thread.